Trigg Industries has been supplying quality vineyard trellis systems and dried fruit contracting services for over twenty years.
Specialising in Shaw Trellis and dried fruit mechanisation, along with cost effective grape trellis manufacture, their experience in the steel and horticultural industries will assist you to focus on growing great fruit.
Check out their other various products and services today or give them a call for a no obligation quote.
​....innovative vineyard solutions
Our Products & Services
Trigg Industries offers a variety of services for agri engineering and industrial applications along with their agricultural contracting, vineyard trellis, machinery and equipment supply. Trigg Industries also operates their own dried fruit properties using best farm practice techniques and can share their knowledge to other farmers through the various industry forums they take part in. Innovation and quality has been the key to their success over the years and they will continue to provide this to their customers well into the future. For laser cutting follow this link to Mildura Laser Cutting Pty Ltd
Ideal for general farm fencing, boundary fencing and especially vineyard end assemblies, ViceBite has been designed and developed by Trigg Industries. These can be purchased through farm supply stores across Australia, UK USA and Europe. For an easy to install but reliable end assembly try us for more information on supply or distribution in your region.
For over 20 years Trigg Industries has been providing high quality trellis to fresh fruit growers within Victoria, QLD and Northern Territory. Our ability to maximise steel efficiencies and economically produce trellis to your customised design is what we do best. Contact Rodney today for this season to ensure you can install before bud burst and get the best possible pricing for steel.
A moving trellis system for dried grape production - this trellis is still the best option for reducing labour costs, and maximising mechanical operations within the vineyard. Swing arm produces fruit alternatively from one side to the other each season. It works on the theory of maximising light onto the following season canes (high side) and the the lower side is the cropping side which places the fruit in an area which maximises access for sprayers, cutter bars/harvester etc. Enquire now...
Ring or email for pricing - Designed by Ivan Shaw and Rodney Trigg the new hook system for Swing arm dried fruit trelis is making it easier to swing the trellis over each year. Manufactured by Trigg Industries you can easily convert your current trellis so call us today to discuss how to make things that little bit easier - you'll be hooked!
Trigg Industries is the founder of Mildura Laser Cutting and through their own product development, including R&D projects over the many years of operation Rodney and Kim can assist you with your product development and manufacturing - right here in Mildura, Australia. We can offer advice on economical strategies but also provide laser cutting and robotic welding services for large product runs. Don't go overseas until to check out the Aussie made options!
One of the advantages of being a grower as well as having years of contracting experience for small and large growers is that we can advise on better growth strategies, including soil condition and moisture management, heat management, disease mitigation strategies and ultimately maximising crop potential. We want our customers to be great growers so its in our best interest to give you the best possible information! Over 20 years hands on experience and our own crop records are the testiment.
We're not just good engineers we're pretty good farmers as well! It helps to have good harvesters that keeps our fruit samples contaminant free!
Material thickness capability is between 1mm to 25mm in mild steel, just as an example.